System Design Day-2

System Design Day-2

Welcome everyone!

Here we are at Day-2 of the System Design series,

We need to update the data in Redis or Dynamo DB with real-time delay of 30 seconds.

Which one to choose for system and Why?

The choice between them is merely a choice of user according to its requirement specifications, and the workload of its system.


  1. In-Memory Database: Redis is an in-memory data store, which means that it stores data in RAM. This makes it extremely fast for read and write operations.

  2. Data Structures: Redis supports a variety of data structures such as strings, lists, sets, sorted sets, hashes, bitmaps, and more.

  3. Caching: Redis is often used as a caching layer due to its fast read and write performance.

  4. Reaal-time data: Redis provides real-time data for users, so it is preferable if your product deals with real-time data.

Amazon DynamoDB:

  1. Managed Service: DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS).

  2. Scalability: DynamoDB is designed for seamless and automatic horizontal scaling.

  3. NoSQL and Schema-less: DynamoDB is a NoSQL database, providing flexibility in terms of schema and supporting a key-value data model.

  4. Consistency Models: DynamoDB offers different consistency models, allowing you to choose between strong consistency and eventual consistency based on your application's requirements.

What is Vanderlock?

It is the condition when a company cannot change its system provider, by getting afraid for writing surplus amount of code.

Thanks for reading

Hava A Good Day👍🏼